
Premium Membership

Go Premium!

Unlock the Full Potential of Positively Pawesome

Transform your dog’s training experience with our Positively Pawesome Membership. Designed to offer an all-encompassing approach to training, our membership ensures your furry friend receives the utmost attention, focus, and care.

With the annual membership, you get unlimited access to our top-notch classes for an entire year. It’s a cost-effective solution that can save significantly compared to paying for individual classes, especially if you’re dedicated to your dog’s ongoing development.

As a member, you’ll also get an added bonus of 20% off in our shop, which stocks high-quality natural products, treats, toys, and clothing. It’s a unique opportunity to get great deals on items that contribute to your pet’s wellbeing and happiness.

In essence, our premium membership is not just about cost savings. It’s about unlocking the potential for consistent, comprehensive training, shopping perks, and an enhanced relationship with your pet. Get the Positively Pawesome Membership today and give your dog the training journey they deserve!

What's Included?

Unlimited Classes

Discounted Training Walks

20% Shop Discount

Free Workshops

Multiple Dogs

Private Sessions Included

Woman having fun training her Dalmatian puppy

Membership Tiers

Apply To Become a Premium Member

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we will be in contact with the next steps.